October 6, 2020

One Month Countdown: 12 Useful Election Resources for No Regrets

It has never been clearer that we must advocate for underserved communities both in our work, as well as at the polls.

Feeling like the world is falling apart has become an anthem for 2020. While we don’t need to regurgitate the CVS receipt of events that have made this year (and the 3 years before that) *particularly rough,* it does feel more important than ever to pinpoint the ways in which we have agency – as a community, as a country, as humans working to make the world a better place than how we found it. As the Exygy team partners with social impact organizations to design and build tech for good, it has never been clearer that our place in the movement starts with advocating for underserved communities both in our work, as well as at the polls.

Advocacy takes many shapes and forms, and we all have something to give. Whether it’s your network, art, money, time, or vote, the important thing is that you find what you can contribute to the cause, and commit!

As we race towards November 3rd, here are a few essential resources that our team has found useful in making the most of this precarious time before Election Day.

Give Your Time

1. Volunteer with Indivisible: Call, text, and write to swing-state Democrats to give them the precise information they need to vote early and safely.

2. Mobilize for 2020 Victory: On any given day from now to Election Day, you can get trained and join local organizers in phone banking for the Biden/Harris campaign.

3. Volunteer with Power to the Polls: there’s a record shortage of poll workers this year. If you’re able, sign up to staff your local polling place.

4. Stop Voter Suppression: Sign up to be a Nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer and ensure everyone has a fair voting experience.

Exygy Human
A letter to an unlikely voter in a key state, as part of Vote Forward‘s “The Big Send” volunteer initiative, sending 15 million letters encouraging voter participation ahead of Election Day.

Send Your Buck

5. Swing Left’s Immediate Impact Fund splits your donation between the closest races on the path to flipping the Senate and winning key state legislative seats.

6. Vote Save America compiles fantastic high impact funds – including our favorite, “Get Mitch or Die Trying.”

7. The Voter Participation Center is a non-partisan non-profit on a mission to turn non-voters into voters. Their tactics are data-driven, science-based, proven effective.

Cast Your Vote

8. Triple check that you and your friends are registered & ready to hit the polls. It takes 30 seconds to verify your registration on vote.org.

9. A dummy’s guide to California 2020 ballot measures – SF Gate

10. TechEquity’s 2020 Election Endorsements

11. Emily’s List recruits, trains, and supports pro-choice Democratic women candidates at every level of the ballot. Check out their State & Local endorsed candidates.

Share Your Art

Education Disrupting
A digital illustration created by Abbey Ley (@seafffoam), as a part of the Creatives for Biden project.

12. Creatives for Biden is an opportunity for artists to submit their work (designs, sculptures, illustrations) representing any of the 40 policy plans put forward by the Biden/Harris campaign.

With so many critical issues at stake – from the right to choose what you do with your body, to police brutality and the lack of justice for too many Black lives lost, to saving our planet from irreversible damage, to fair and affordable housing, to ensuring all Americans have access to quality health care without going into debt – we simply can’t afford any regrets come November 3rd.

How are you taking action? I’d love to know where you’re investing your time and energy to change the course of history (no pressure, huh!). Forward this to a friend or two – get fired up and ready to go!

What’s a Rich Text element?

H1 example

H3 example

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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