May 8, 2024

Exygy Leadership Changes - Introducing our New CEO, Eric Lam!

We are incredibly excited to announce a major milestone in Exygy’s history: as of May 2024, Exygy is welcoming Eric Lam into the role of CEO at Exygy!

Exygy community, 

We are incredibly excited to announce a major milestone in Exygy’s history: as of May 2024, Exygy is welcoming Eric Lam into the role of CEO at Exygy. Zach Berke, Exygy’s founder and CEO, will be transitioning into a new role of Exygy leadership as Chief Strategy Officer and Board Chair. We are excited to invite our community to be a part of celebrating this huge step in Exygy’s journey! 

This transition comes at a key moment in Exygy’s growth. For nearly two decades, our impact has been accelerating. We have taken bigger strides to achieve our mission: to design and build critical technology that contributes to solving the world’s most important problems. Since Exygy’s founding, we have gone from a small engineering shop focused on non-profit websites to a team of 50 working across the country on projects that make it easier for thousands of residents to access public benefits and affordable housing, promote dignified aging and caregiving, advance health equity, and achieve justice reform. As our impact has grown, we know that continuously innovating and striving to improve is at the heart of our success. This CEO transition marks a step towards expanding leadership, inviting new perspectives, and welcoming organizational growth.

Some of the Exygy team at a recent All Hands meeting!

A word from Zach: Every time I’ve made space at Exygy for great people to lead, our work has gotten better. When I started Exygy I was doing the design, the engineering, the project management, the invoicing, you name it. Everything worked… but it wasn’t great! Today, we have a team of highly talented specialists who bring their unique craft to our projects. This combination of humans and skills is what enables us to create outsized impact with and for our partners, inside the communities in which we work.

Making more space for Eric to lead — creating an opportunity for a fresh perspective and an immensely talented and caring human to take the Exygy CEO role — is exactly the next step Exygy needs to grow our impact faster. For the past 8 years, I have seen Eric grow in each role he’s occupied, and I have seen Exygy get better wherever he is. As a product manager, Eric led complex projects strategically and thoughtfully. In 2017, Eric became Exygy’s Health Partner, driving forward a vision for Exygy’s impact across an entire sector and growing our presence and reach with an emphasis on equity. In 2022, Eric stepped into the COO role, where his skill set in being an empathetic, inclusive, and visionary leader was critical in growing the Exygy team and deepening our impact over the last two years. As I step into my new roles as Board Chair and Chief Strategy Officer, I’m excited to support Eric in bringing his vision for Exygy to life. I know that under Eric’s leadership, Exygy will achieve great things.

What’s next for me? I won’t be going far! I’m going to continue working full-time at Exygy for the foreseeable future. In my role as Chief Strategy Officer, I’ll continue to build the Exygy community. I’ll have more time to focus my entrepreneurial skillset on Exygy’s newest initiatives like Bloom Housing and CiviForm, as well as the next products and services that Exygy will launch over the coming years. A few years down the road I plan to step out of the Chief Strategy Officer role and wear only the Board Chair hat, continuing on a journey of guiding Exygy to become an organization whose impact is greater than I myself can achieve.

If you have any questions for me about my journey — this step, my future steps, or the steps I’ve taken along the way, please don’t hesitate to reach out! And, if you have advice for me as I take this next step, I am eager to be guided by my community!

Zach Berke, CSO & Board Chair

A word from Eric: I joined Exygy because of our shared vision of a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. So far we’ve begun on a meaningful journey to providing communities equitable access to basic social needs. As we enter this next chapter, I’m thrilled to lead our talented team toward creating an even greater impact for more communities. I’m inspired to innovate our thinking and approaches to achieve new levels of impact. I'm committed to centering the people we wish to serve, especially marginalized communities who have faced historic and current systems of oppression. And I know we cannot do this alone. I’m excited to learn from and strengthen our partnerships with the social impact community, as we work together for the greater good. 

Eric Lam, CEO 

What’s a Rich Text element?

H1 example

H3 example

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Zach Berke
Chief Strategy Officer & Board President
Eric Lam

Want to work together?

We are always looking to get in touch with partners to help build healthy and resilient communities together
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